Identification and Ownership
Company name: Movilok Interactividad Móvil, S.L. Business name: Movilok CIF: B83131847 Address: C/Téllez 54, Office 1. 28007 Madrid Telephone: 918046105 Email: Commercial Registry: Registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid, Volume 17005, Folio 159, Section 8, Page M291036.
Terms of use
This Legal Notice sets out the general conditions for access to and use of this website. Access to the website implies the acceptance by users of the legal conditions indicated herein.
On this website, Movilok provides access to information belonging to the Owner or to collaborators. The content is purely informative and does not constitute any sales offer.
You agree not to use the website or its content for purposes that are illegal, prohibited on this website or under current legislation.
Movilok prohibits data mining of the contents of this website, including text mining.
Movilok is not responsible for interruptions or malfunctions of the website or services due to network failures, power outages or other causes beyond the control of the Owner.
Movilok reserves the right to modify, suspend or cancel the content or functionality of the website without prior notice.
Contents and limitation of liability
Movilok declines any responsibility for errors or omissions in the information contained on the website or its social networks.
The Movilok website may include links to third parties (websites, forums, chats, blogs or social networks). Movilok is not responsible for the content of these links. The user must access the legal notices of the destination of each of these links to know their legal conditions of use.
The Movilok website may include comments from third parties. Movilok is not responsible for the information or opinions included in such comments. Movilok reserves the right to remove any comments that violate current legislation, harm the rights or interests of third parties, or which, in its opinion, are not suitable for publication.
Personal data
The personal data that you provide through the website may be stored in databases. If you need to know more about the specific conditions applicable to the processing of personal data, please consult the Personal Data Protection Policy section.
Movilok undertakes to adopt technical, organisational and security measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and quality of the information, in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on the protection of personal data.
This website uses cookies. If you require more information about the use of cookies on this website, please visit the Cookie Policy section.
Intellectual property
Movilok is the original owner (or assignee) of the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights of the content displayed on the website, such as: texts, images, sounds, videos, brands, logos, design, etc.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution, transformation and/or public communication of all or part of the contents of the website is expressly prohibited without prior written authorization from Movilok.
This Legal Notice is governed entirely by Spanish law. The parties agree to submit to the Judges and Courts of the Community of Madrid, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply to them.
For any comments or questions about this website, you can contact the email address